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Make a donation today and help support more people to access music therapy in more places. Music can make a difference.

Your donation will enable more people access music therapy. Make a difference today. Please give as much as you can, every bit helps.

Make a donation through our JustGiving page, and select the amount you would like to donate. Here are some examples of where your money goes:


Can buy a rainmaker or pair of drumsticks


Can buy a a ukulele or other percussion instrument


Can subsidise a child whose family can not afford to pay for music therapy

Make your gift go further with Gift Aid, a scheme run by the Government which allows registered charities in the UK to claim back tax on donations. If you are a UK taxpayer you can increase your gift by 25% so for every £1 you donate, we get an extra 25p. Simply tick the gift aid box when you make a donation.

Please use our gift aid form when sending us a cheque or postal order.